Chengjing Yuan

I am currently a first-year ECE master student at UC San Diego, with depth in Intelligent System, Robotics and Control. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. I recevied my B.S. in Computer Engineering from UC San Diego in 2023.

My research interests lie in Robot Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision and Control theory.

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Visual Manipulation with Legs

Xialin He*, Chengjing Yuan*, Wenxuan Zhou, Ruihan Yang, David Held, Xiaolong Wang

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We propose a system that enables quadruped to manipulate objects with legs. We use reinforcement learning to train a policy to interact with the object based on point cloud observations, which demonstrates advanced manipulation skills with legs that has not been shown in previous work.


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UC San Diego

San Diego, USA

M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023-Present
B.S. in Computer Engineering, 2019-2023

Design and source code from Leonid Keselman